MILF-ing it to 40 Years Old | Boudoir : Jaqui

People often ask me how I came to boudoir photography and why I decided to become so dedicated to this niche. When looking back on my life and all the S&#* that went down, I have an incredible amount of faith that everything happens for a reason

Never in my life did I think that I would be photographing gorgeous, naked women all day, let alone photographing anything at all. To me, photographers were artists and technical masterminds with gadgets that I could never understand. The truth is, I'm still not into all the technicalities and rules and fancy cameras, but I am so deeply invested in the art of boudoir and the amazing women who cross my path.

Through my journey of photographing hundreds (and I mean hundreds) of women and constantly re-defining "what is beautiful" in my mind, the world became that much more beautiful. I became a healer of my own past and a storyteller for others. 

That day when I was 5 years old and the notorious bully yelled "You're a fat, Jewish pig" down several neatly manicured lawns of the suburban neighborhood I once lived in, was probably the day my heart was broken for the first time. And it was also the day that I would refer back to for years to come because it gave me so much. 

As an adult, I am able tell stories with more empathy, more love, and less judgement. I now know that a stunning woman in a photograph does not equal a perfect life.

Actually, when I see a beautiful woman, I automatically see strength and courage. Jaqui was one of those for me...

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Jaqui and I met several years ago through mutual friends and colleagues.

She's a talented makeup artist that I've had the pleasure of working with on multiple occasions. This was the first time I had the chance to photograph her, and boy, did we have fun. Though, it's not surprising we did as it seems this woman brings her fun energy wherever she goes...

I mean, she calls her journey, "MILF-ing to 40," and she's completely rocking it. 

There's a story under this gorgeous skin because as I was saying before, beauty ain't just skin deep

When I asked Jaqui about her relationship with her body, she had a lot to say,

"I’m pretty OK with nudity I always have been.

I think that comes from being raised by a mother who was always walking around naked at home and never really cared much about nudity. The comfort of being naked must have rubbed off on me.

Though, I have suffered with weight issues my entire life. I have been 120 kg and I have been 65 kg. One gastric band placement and then nine years later removed due to complications, two babies and more weight gain and loss, about 10 kg extra since baby number 2 that won’t budge and a lot of soul searching later, I have come to terms that I can never be the thin girl. It’s just not in my genetic make up. I CAN be my strongest, healthiest and happiest.."

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"I hope to inspire other women who are hesitant, afraid, don’t feel like they have a body deserving of love, don’t have flat stomachs, have wobbly bits, lop-sided boobs and stretch marks just like me. I want them to know that's OK, and that they are sexy!"

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After the session Jaqui said,

"Rebecca makes you feel so comfortable in front of the camera and gives such great direction which is so helpful when you literally have no clue what to do. Even though I was a little nervous, I totally trusted her to guide me into the best poses and just went with it, the more we got into it the more fun we had with the poses and outfits, I was dancing around to the music and was literally game for anything! By the time I left I was totally excited and couldn’t wait to to see the pictures."

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 "When I looked at the pictures for the first time, I was totally blown away with how gorgeous, beautiful and sexy they were. I loved them all so much that it was hard to choose a favorite."

"I'm going to love them and keep them and look at them whenever I think I'm not "MILF-ing it” I am one HOT Mamma!"

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SO, if you were ever curious why I do boudoir, I figured this blog post was a good place to start. I share many of the feelings Jaqui expressed with me and so many other women have experienced in their life.

I kind of of see my blog with a big sign plastered across it, saying: YOU ARE NOT ALONE.

My business is literally a tribe of women who empower and uplift each other through positive thinking and empathy. There's nothing like it.

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I'm grateful that Jaqui allowed me to share these sexy and fun, yet still vulnerable and artistic images with you all. This one is one of my favorites...

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Oh wait, this one is my favorite too. Jaqui, I can't choose either!

You are so radiant. Keep shining. Keep MILF-ing it.

Thank you, for everything. And for teaching me that MILF is a verb. 

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